- Naturally grown green tea, naturally gluten and tannin free
- Full bodied yet refreshing
- Longer infusion releases fuller flavour and herbal benefits
- No chemicals, pesticides or preservatives
Product Description
Kintra Foods Green Premium Loose Leaf Tea is is pure, naturally grown green tea, naturally gluten and tannin free, with a rich taste that satisfies and reinvigorates with every sip. It is grown in the fresh air is cool and clear. This Green Tea has long been cherished as one of the best tasting and healthiest teas on the planet. The art of tea growing has been perfected over centuries in this region. It tastes amazing on its own. This superior tea has been loved for many years due to its smooth taste, full flavour and distinct colour. This amazing tea is grown without the use of any pesticides, herbicides or chemicals.
Manufacturer Contact Information
Kintra Foods, Unit 2, 22 Tepko Road, Terrey Hills, NSW 2084, E.C. Choate and Co Pty Ltd, ABN 51 007 771 566, Phone: (02) 9450 0514
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