- Worm disinfectant in aquarium (including planaria and hydra)
- Keep Planaria away with no harming shrimp and plant.
- Safe and Biodegradable
- Control in 72 hours
- Ingredient: Herb extract
Genchem NO-Planaria 50g is a worm disinfectant in aquarium (including planaria and hydra) Benefits: Keep Planaria away with no harming shrimp and plant. Safe and Biodegradable. Control in 72 hours Ingredient: Herb extract *Impact on water quality. Notes: During the treatment, you should not feed your shrimps. Remove carbon filter prior to dosing and wathc out the dissolved oxygen. Take out of planaria body after dosing to avoid amonia. Don’t overdose in case of mortality. Some snails are sensitive to Genchem NO-Planaria. Remove snails before treatment for safety.
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