- Controls snail infestations in freshwater aquariums.
- Many species of freshwater snails can be introduced into aquariums with plants and can rapidly build up numbers.
- Rinsing new plants in running water before addition to the aquarium is recommended to prevent re-infestation
Controls snail infestations in freshwater aquariums.
Many species of freshwater snails can be introduced into aquariums with plants and can rapidly build up numbers.
Rinsing new plants in running water before addition to the aquarium is recommended to prevent re-infestation
Do not use in aquariums with soft water (less than 50ppm total hardness)
Check water hardness before use.
Use in conjunction with a water hardness kit. This product is toxic to fish in soft water and incorrect use may lead to fish fatalities
In HARD WATER (more than 50ppm carbonate hardness) use at a rate of 5ml per 20L of aquarium water. Repeat treatment after 3 days. DO NOT OVERDOSE
1g/L Copper present as Copper Sulphate
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