Three equipments in one — 1 balaclava = 1 face mask + 1 hat + 1 scarf. They can be also used as helmet liners without any trouble. So surely they serve a lot of purpose and will never forget to keep you warm.
The premium soft fabrics(88% polyester & 12% spandex) provide premium performance for Zero-pilling, Breathability, Durability, Wicking, Abrasion Resistance and anti-static function. Also, they are SUPER COMFORT, LIGHTWEIGHT, PACKABLE and MACHINE WASHABLE.
Q : Is it ok to wear glasses while wearing the mask?
A : Absolutely, you can wear at the same time. Glasses, goggles, sunglasses
Q : Are they the same size? Suitable for women or children?
A : Yes, they are suitable for women. For children, the head may be a bit loose, but will be great under his skin helmet.They are sssooooo soft and comfy.
Q : How breathable is it?
A : In my experience with this type of equipment , this balaclava is very good. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being no restriction to airways at all, this would rate an 8. That being said, any physical device covering nostrils and mouth will be somewhat of a hindrance to breathing and air exchange. My wife and I each use one and are very happy with them. We use them almost daily.
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