ATP Science Creatine Monohydrate1. What is it? This is Creapure Creatine Monohydrate, one of the highest quality creatine supplements on the market.2. How do I use it? Guys – we recommend taking 10-15gm daily. This is best taken either first thing in the morning or with your post-workout protein shake.Girls – we recommend taking 5 – 10gm daily. Again, best taken either first thing in the morning or post-workout.3. Who is this for? This can be taken by anyone looking to boost their performance in the gym!
Creatine Monohydrate is one of the most scientifically proven nutritional supplements on the market today & at long last ATP Science have formulated their own.
ATP Science has long bucked the trend of making things the same or similar to other brands in the industry & their version of Creatine Monohydrate is no different.
ATP Science has chosen to use Creapure Creatine Monohydrate. This patented version is commonly known for being one the highest, if not the highest quality forms of Creatine available today.
This version ensures that it contains the least amount of impurities possible, has high bioavailability and does not contain any traces of contamination.
As many athletes would be aware, creatine is your bodies fuel source for any activity that is explosive by nature. Every movement from lifting weights, to sprinting & jumping will utilize Creatine to provide the energy required.
When performing these activities, at a biological level, ATP is utilized. When ATP is used, it loses a phosphate molecule, Creatine then bonds with ADP to restore it to ATP. What this means is, recovery is quicker and you have more fuel available to use.
If your goal is to get bigger, stronger or more powerful, then supplementing with ATP Science Creatine Monohydrate is a must.
Women don’t fear, supplementing with Creatine Monohydrate is completely safe for you and we could no
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